Come On Over (CO2) by Christian Simamora

OK I know I posted way too much of Christian Simamora lately (again, to promote my own blog, I’m linking this post with my previous posts: numero uno and dos), but once I started I just can’t stop myself. Talking about self control.. *rolling eyeballs*

To start, I was a bit shocked when I found this novel in a bookstore rack – it has the same style of cover (juicy abs with huge “CHRISTIAN SIMAMORA” on top), only different logo. Apparently, he mentioned in the prologue that this is his first novel after joining a new publisher. Still, he didn’t forget about the J-boyfriend series where characters from previous novels appear here and there as cameos.

Come on Over by Christian Simamora
Come on Over by Christian Simamora

The main character of this novel is Tata, an orphan tomboy living with her one and only older sister, Ada. Six months after resigning from her job as a designer, she met Jermaine (yes, another J) when doing her duty as a storekeeper in Ada’s Crystal Clear, which, as you can guess from the name, is a crystal store. Jermaine came to buy his girlfriend Liz a music box which he then used to propose her. Unfortunately, Liz rejected his proposal, leaving him heartbroken and leading him back to Crystal Clear in order to get his money back. This second meeting somehow led Tata and Jermaine closer to each other. The bro-friendship started with each of them convincing themselves that a guy and a woman can be just friends without any love intention.

Yes, you’re guessing correctly, no naivity is allowed in any kind of novel – Jermaine and Tata fell for each other after one incident that led to another, only proving that the conviction is not strong enough. At the same time, Liz came back to Jermaine, telling him everything she was feeling, getting him into a dilemma. Being the bigger one, Tata kept her distance from Jermaine, regardless how she felt (clue: badly torn). Typically, they ended up together. *spoiler*

Overall, I’m giving 2 out of 5 stars for this novel. Unlike his other novels, I didn’t really enjoy reading this one. With Christian Simamora, normally I would not be able to stop myself from flipping to the next page. This novel, however, does not have the same effect. It’s a bit boring, even though I like Tata’s character so much. The plus point of this author is that he’s good at describing and personalizing his characters – every name has own character that would be easy to remember.

Good job and wish you the best of luck with the new publisher, Chris! *SKSD*