travel wish list

I have to admit that my blog posts haven’t been so varied lately that I was so consumed with work. Now that I’ve made (again) another career move, I wish that I will have more time to spend having fun and updating this blog.

For those of you (I really wish you guys exist) who visit this blog regularly, you must be aware that I’ve become a travel addict since 2014 (well, since the bad break up that I had to go to places where my ex and I had never been to) that I make my own rule of: 2x travels/year within the country + 1x travel/2-year abroad. I have never been more happy with my life with my new boyfriend, but the addiction doesn’t change. My boyfriend is a travel lover as well, so we become traveling partners (from our last trips, he let me decide and organize the trip and he’ll be more than happy being a follower).

Here’s what I’m calling: Inez’s Travel Wish List. 🙂 *going to cross off the places I’ve been to and add up the places I want to go to later on *I wish my boyfriend doesn’t read this. LOL

Indonesia (from west to east)

  • Pulau Weh, Aceh
  • Bangka-Belitung
  • Padang, West Sumatra
  • Pulau Peucang, Ujung Kulon, West Java
  • Ujung Genteng, West Java
  • Pantai Sawarna, West Java
  • Karimun Jawa, Central Java
  • Malang, East Java
  • Bromo, East Java
  • Nusa Penida, Bali
  • 3 Gilis, Lombok
  • Kepulauan Derawan, East Kalimantan
  • Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
  • Bunaken, North Sulawesi
  • Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi
  • Togian, Central Sulawesi/Gorontalo
  • Taka Bone Rate, South Sulawesi
  • Makassar, South Sulawesi
  • Danau Kelimutu, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara
  • Labuan Bajo (Komodo National Park), Flores, East Nusa Tenggara
  • Ora Beach, Maluku
  • Raja Ampat, Papua


  • Maldives
  • Santorini, Greece
  • Las Vegas
  • LA
  • Japan
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • Hong Kong
  • New Zealand

[in Bahasa Indonesia] Pernikahan Beda Agama

First of all, gw cuma mau bilang bahwa gw adalah seseorang yang berpendapat bahwa pernikahan itu adalah hak azasi setiap manusia, dan ga seharusnya lembaga apapun, termasuk negara dan agama, mengatur boleh atau tidak bolehnya seseorang menikah dengan pilihannya. Kalo ada yang ga sependapat dengan gw dalam hal ini, mendingan gausa nerusin baca post ini daripada nanti menimbulkan opini yang nggak-nggak. Bukan apa-apa, males aja ngebaca komentar negatif.

Baca judul post ini, mungkin bakal banyak (pede amat ya gw) yang ngebatin: oh, ternyata dia nikah beda agama, toh.. Apalagi kalo ada yang udah lama kenal gw dan tau salah satu kriteria pencarian jodoh gw *kala itu* adalah yang seiman. Apa daya pengalaman mengubah cara pandang gw terhadap hidup beragama, yang consequently mengubah kriteria pencarian jodoh gw setelahnya.

Kalo ada yang bertanya-tanya gimana ribetnya urusan administrasi perkawinan beda agama ini, kayanya ga usah gw ulang lagi deh ceritanya. Silahkan cek di post gw sebelumnya ini. Satu kata aja: ribet. Tapi dengan ngambil ‘jalan pintas’, berhasil juga kami lewatin masa itu. Kenapa jalan pintas? Karena baru-baru ini kami menemukan ada LSM yang spesialis ngebantuin perkawinan beda agama. (Nemu di Youtube ini.)

Sejauh ini (dan mudah-mudahan sampe seterusnya), beda agama ini ga jadi masalah buat gw dan suami, karena kami sama-sama berpendapat bahwa agama adalah cara pribadi berkomunikasi dengan Sang Pencipta, jadi meskipun agama kami sama, ga akan ngerubah apa-apa. Trus nanti anak gimana? Bingung dong kalo ortunya ga kompak? Ga dong.. kan dari sebelum nikah udah diobrolin. Kebetulan juga gw beragama Katolik, yang emang secara resmi mengizinkan pernikahan beda agama (resmi = mau menerbitkan surat perkawinan), dengan salah satu syaratnya anak-anak hasil pernikahan ini harus dididik dan dibaptis secara Katolik. Berhubung statusnya gw yang bakal jadi ibu, dari awal (sebelum tau ada aturan itu) suami emang udah bilang urusan ngedidik yang sifatnya keimanan ini diserahkan ke gw.

*bagian atas gw tulis taun 2020, trus post ini ngendon aja di draft sampe gw “nemuin” lagi barusan LOL*

Long story short, ternyata udah 5 tahun lebih juga pernikahan gw. So far so good, gw bilang, dan moga-moga bakal baik seterusnya. Anak kami udah 2 sekarang, dan 2-2nya udah dibaptis secara Katolik. Sedikit banyak efek pandemi dan sulitnya adaptasi jam ibadah dengan siklus hidup (tidur dan makan) anak-anak, jadinya gw ga serajin dulu ke gereja. Sedang berusaha merajinkan diri setelah nemu tempat ibadah yang nyaman buat anak-anak, dengan jam yang juga pas. Suami masih sama seperti dulu: pasrah kapanpun istrinya bilang mau ibadah, malah kadang dia yang suka ngingetin kalo gw udah kelamaan absen. Bedanya cuma kalo dulu sepanjang ibadah dia duduk sebelah gw sambil mainan handphone (sesekali dengerin kotbah/homili pastor kalo topik dan cara bawainnya menarik), sekarang sibuk jagain dan ngejarin 2 bocah yang lagi aktif-aktifnya. 😀

Banyak pasangan yang pernikahannya gagal, tapi ga sedikit juga yang langgeng, dan IMHO itu ga ada sangkut pautnya sama agama, meski memang agama adalah bagian dari pribadi. Menurut gw, kunci dari pernikahan beda agama itu:

  1. Ga memaksakan agama kita ke pasangan. Ini penyebab nomor 1 banyak pasangan yang pisah di tengah jalan, baik sebelum ataupun setelah nikah.
  2. Toleransi dengan segala hal berbau agama dan kepercayaan pasangan, mulai dari cara dia beribadah sampai “ritual-ritual”-nya, kalo ada.
  3. Saling ngingetin untuk ibadah, dan kalo memungkinkan, doa bareng. Cara ibadah boleh beda, tapi semua agama pasti membolehkan doa bebas, kan? Inilah saatnya kita doa bareng pasangan.
  4. Sepakat dengan pasangan segala hal berbau agama yang menyangkut anak-anak. Misal: nanti anak ikut agama siapa, trus misal tengah jalan dia berubah haluan (agama ya, bukan yang lain) mau gimana. IMO meski kita dan pasangan beda dan sepakat akan terbuka soal nantinya anak mau pilih agama yang mana, tapi anak tetap mesti diajarin/dididik dengan satu agama supaya dia ga bingung.
  5. Terbuka dalam keluarga, terutama dengan anak-anak. Anak makin gede, pasti makin banyak pertanyaannya, dan dia pun pasti sadar bahwa mama dan papanya berdoa dengan cara yang berbeda. Jelasin aja dengan nada netral segala sesuatu yang dia mau tau, dan jangan lupa orangtua yang beragama sama dengan anak ngajarin anak beribadah dengan tata cara agama itu.

Agama itu bagian besar dari hidup kita pribadi, yang (at least buat gw) sebenernya cuma bagian kecil dari hidup berumah tangga. Yang lebih gawat daripada pernikahan beda agama adalah pernikahan tanpa agama, karena orang ga akan bisa bertahan hidup baik tanpa agama.


working mom’s guilt

As I mentioned several times in my previous posts (or drafts, can’t quite recall which is which): I’m a working mom by choice. I can say I’m lucky to have a responsible, hardworking husband who provides for us (my kids and me) both physically and mentally despite his condition. Economically speaking, I don’t need to work, but yeah, I need it for my mental health. LOL.

However, there are times when this convenience is making me feel guilty.

This morning, my eldest woke up with red eyes and slight fever. I can tell right away that he’s not well, even though he won’t admit it. I fed him a cup of warm herbal tea and peanut butter sandwich, his favorite. Oh, and also his vitamins (gummy ones, which he would always ask for more). After feeding him, I went straight to shower and get ready for work. As usual, he would jump into my car as soon as I unlock the doors, demanding a short drive around. When we arrived back home, he just wouldn’t come out of the car. He wanted to be with me. 😦

Oh dear, if only you knew how guilty I felt.. I then drove away with teary eyes. “Sorry, my dear,” I whispered along the way. “I want to be with you too, but I need this time away from you.. for myself and for you.” (Because I would get mad at him easily when he sticks with me all the time.)

I love my kids, but I need some time away from them. And work (and sickness, even though I would still take care for them if I can still get up from bed) is the only acceptable excuse for me to be.

Wondering how long this mom’s guilt will go on.. I hope they know just how much I love them.

my dream job

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s your dream job?

I’ve had a few my entire life:

  • a doctor
  • a dubber
  • a radio DJ
  • an engineer
  • a fashion magazine editor

…but you know, none of those became real. Well, except for an engineer, if you count the less-than-1-year first job I had.

If you ask me that question now, I honestly don’t know. Being a full time working mom has taken all my time thinking of everything (for everyone) and nothing for myself. I guess my job now is what every mom dreams of (?): a job that gives decent pay (enough for my monthly self care and my kids’ play at the malls *rolling eyes) and flexible working time (and place). It is stressful at times, but the flexibility is key for me. 🙂

being a mom = my life’s turning point?

For those who’ve known me before kids, you must all know how ambitious I was with what I put my mind to in life. I never aimed to be the best among others, but I tend to aim to be the best version of myself: a good daughter to my parents (well, not really :P), a good sister to my sister, a good girlfriend/wife to my boyfriend/husband, a good employee to my employer (highly doubt it :P), and a good friend to all my groups of friends (yes, I have a lot of friend groups LOL).

As you might be aware of, I gave birth to my firstborn right before COVID pandemic stroke back in the beginning of 2020. The pandemic itself has changed everyone’s life, and for me, being a new mom during the pandemic has really changed me a lot. I can say that it’s my life’s turning point.

I used to be a “social butterfly” who had at least 1 meet-up session with my friends during weekdays and another one during weekends. Oh and don’t forget at least 2 after-office hours hang out or gym session, with or without my boyfriend/husband.

Then I was suddenly (yeah, you can’t really plan a natural labour, can you?) on a 3-month maternity leave, and after my status was changed from “a wife” to “a mom”, everyone was working from home and meeting online. I was someone who’s always wanted to be “seen” by everyone, but suddenly I was invisible. It’s not that I wanted it, but it happened naturally when you left work for a long time. And even more naturally when people don’t see you physically. My workload was significantly reduced, probably because everyone at work thought “this woman is a new mom, she must need some time to adjust herself to working again”. It gradually increased, of course, after more than 1 year, but then I got pregnant again with my 2nd born, and things got slowed down again.

Long story short, I’m now in a situation where my old self would be angry with. I’m not happy with how things go at home and at work. I’m never myself again and I barely have time for myself. I’m not a good employee to my employer and I never hang out with my friends anymore. My colleagues seem to give me some freedom, for which I’m grateful but at the same time upset because I feel like I’m looked down. I used to be this happy to be alone, independent woman, but I’m now too dependent on my husband: I get scared every time my husband might come home late or go out of town for a business trip (because I know I can’t take care of my 2 babies while having to prepare food for them and do small household works in the morning).

I just hope that the new me is a good enough mom for my kids.

*Disclaimer: I’m really, deeply grateful and content to have my 2 cute babies, and I love them so much to the point where I can’t imagine my life without them now, even after living more than 30 years without them. I just feel that I’ve changed a lot in the process of being a mom.*

[2nd time mom] breastfeeding

I love and, on the contrary, feel deeply burdened by breastfeeding. Thoughts like “my baby needs me to eat”, “I’m the only one who can do this for him/her”, “this is making our bonds stronger”, and “this is soothing my baby in the best way possible” keep coming to my head every now and then. Well, apart from other intrusive thoughts like “why can’t my husband help me at all?!”, “I’m so tired of having to wash and sterilize all the bottles and pump parts everyday”, “I need a break”..

I must admit, I started breastfeeding wrongly. I was so confident that I would be able to do it naturally that I didn’t even read or make an effort to look for useful resources related to breastfeeding until the end of my second month of maternity leave (when I was panicking, realizing I only had 1 month left to ‘deposit’ expressed breastmilk for my baby when I’m at work). Thankfully, I found 1 reliable source at the right time and went from there. Now, every time I know someone close to me is expecting, I will always share these sources to them.

I consider myself blessed that my first child is a fast learner – he breastfed really nicely and well scheduled that my breastmilk increased gradually as per his needs (thanks to the regular growth spurts, that was). He was also very greedy when it came to (direct) breastfeeding and he slept during feeds a lot as a baby. These, especially the latter, helped me a lot with scheduling things as a new mom. Despite his greediness, I introduced him to bottle way too late (only when he was 3 months old, when I came back to work after maternity leave) that he rejected all kinds of bottles and started to be spoon-fed as soon as he could sit up. Oh and he HATED frozen breastmilk that I had to throw A LOT of breastmilk (I donated some, but at one point I got too busy that the milk was expired). He’s a sweetheart, though.. as soon as I was pregnant with my 2nd baby, he weaned himself – just a few days before his 2nd birthday. 🙂 Another blessing because otherwise it would have been so hard to wean.

The only time I had a break from breastfeeding in the past 3 years was for the 9 months I was pregnant with my 2nd baby. I can say I’m lucky that way, because my body and brain still remember how it’s like to breastfeed. Different child, different style, though.. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a girl, but my 2nd baby doesn’t feed as greedy as her brother. She stops even before she’s full and she won’t sleep after feeding (she likes to be embraced to sleep). She doesn’t mind skipping some night feeding sessions when she’s too tired during the day (something her brother wouldn’t do). However, I learned something from her brother: I introduced her to bottle when she was 2 months old that she now likes direct breastfeeding as much as bottle feeding. She also accepts frozen breastmilk, despite the fact that I don’t have that much in stock because I get so lazy to pump. 😛

All in all, I love breastfeeding because it creates strong bond between my baby and me. I believe it’s the best ‘meal’ my baby can have. It contains good antibodies too that both my babies don’t get sick that much. 2 years will go by fast and I will enjoy every feed within.. 🙂

[2nd time mom] picky eating

I bake(d – it’s in the past now), but I didn’t cook.
Other than those 18 months I spent in Australia, I never cooked. Even back then, I didn’t really enjoy cooking. I cooked so I can live – because takeaway food was too pricey for a student.

I admit it: I felt like I was a failure when my first child just wouldn’t eat.
I kept thinking it’s because I couldn’t cook well. At one point, I gave up. I felt like I didn’t want to cook anymore. That ready-to-eat food is better for him. Still, he wouldn’t eat.
I asked my husband to taste my cooking, in case something was wrong with my palate. Well sometimes it really was bad, but there were times when even my husband admitted that my cooking skill had improved. Still, he wouldn’t eat.

I consulted a few pediatricians to check. They all said the same thing: nothing’s wrong with my son (looking at his growth chart).
I followed all of their suggestions but none worked:
– (this came from a young pediatrician) feeding rules: make a schedule, sit on a high chair in a dining room, no distraction
– (from a middle-aged pediatrician) improve my cooking technique and ingredients, probably he was bored of what I cooked
– (from a senior pediatrician) strictly no milk even when he didn’t eat and had tantrums

Then came my second child. She eats anything I feed her as if it’s the best thing she ever has (in her short 7 months on Earth and only 1 month of solid food, that is). My confidence (in cooking) then rocketed. It’s correct that my cooking skill have improved compared to when I first cooked for my son, but it’s not improved so much that I become a chef.

My conclusion is this: picky eating comes with the child. It’s not the mom’s fault (for being a bad cook); the kid’s born with it. So moms, don’t be down. Senior moms told me: this too shall pass, but as of the day I’m typing this, my first child still won’t eat that much. He eats a bit better now, but still not sufficient (according to the guide book) and I’m trained to close both eyes and ears to whatever others do and say about him, as long as he’s healthy and grows well.

[2nd time mom] coming home after birth

I spent 4 days in the hospital after giving birth to my first born, during which families and friends came to visit (I really don’t miss this part). I felt so weak and didn’t dare to move from bed before the nurse told me to. I even asked my mom to come to the hospital only to carry my baby on our way home, because I worried too much.

Long story short, after a 40-day confinement, I spent the rest of my maternity leave learning about breastfeeding (yes, I didn’t do it before birth, my biggest regret so far) and tidying up our tiny apartment (that includes washing baby’s next size clothes and putting my maternity clothes aside in the vacuum bag). When I got back to work (from home – it was still the early stage of pandemic), I was so content that I got to get back feeling great.

My second pregnancy, although showed the same no-morning-sickness, was so much more tiring. I had to take care of a toddler and a house while carrying a (seem to be and appear to be) bigger baby in my belly. Thankfully, the labor was no surprise (thanks to the too-comfy-in-mommy’s-belly baby) since I had to be induced, hence planned. At least I got to say proper goodbye to my eldest.

The baby decided to be born at midnight after 12 hours of induction. After the observation time ended, I stood up to move to the hospital bed myself. Wow. My younger self (after giving birth for the first time) will be so proud. Despite the almost ended pandemic, there was still a strict no visitor rule in the hospital, for which I’m silently grateful. My husband and I got to spend our quality time with our newborn baby for a couple of days before going back home to our toddler (yep, I carried her by myself).

In case you’re wondering, my maternity clothes (and my baby’s newborn and 3-6m clothes) are still there in the wardrobe. Even though I got myself more helper this time, I also wonder where the time fled to that I didn’t even get to tidy up at all. Getting back to work after maternity leave was harder than before. Nothing special, only definitely busier with 2 babies. (:

[in Bahasa Indonesia] mom of 2

Honestly speaking, sampe saat ini, gw masih berasa kaya mimpi gw bisa jadi mamak anak 2.

Bukan, bukannya ga di-planning.. my husband and I had always wanted 2 kids, tapi beneran surprised aja pas tau hamil lagi. Baru aja berasa enak dengan kondisi si anak pertama yang: baru aja lulus menyusui 2 tahun + mulai ngerti diajak komunikasi + mulai enak diajak jalan-jalan + tidurnya mulai teratur (dan yang penting: ga bangun-bangun semaleman), eh tau-tau langsung “dikasih”.

Pas kondisi ga hamil sih berasa enak, tapi begitu hamil dan ngejalanin, ternyata lelah ya punya batita sambil hamil tuh.. Si bocil yang pas umur 0-2 berasa pesat banget perkembangannya, ternyata masih lanjut pesatnya di range 2-3 taun. Yang berasa banget sih tambah aktif dan tambah ceriwis. Plus tambah bandel pastinya. Threenager is real *ketawa sambil nangis*.

Masuk trimester 3, apalagi pas udah menjelang lahiran, rasanya bener-bener menguji iman. Badan berasa cepet banget capek, sementara si bocil tambah rese, antara (mungkin) feeling bahwa sebentar lagi dia punya adek dan bukan fokus mamak satu-satunya lagi, dan emang masanya aja. Sampe di tahap gw tu sering banget curhat sama suami bilang pengen cepet-cepet lahiran. 😛

Setelah melahirkan, iya sih badan berasa enteng.. tapi ya kali baru 2 hari, jahitan pun belum kering, gw harus turun tangan mandiin anak gw karena tu bocah ga mau mandi selain sama mamak.. 😀 “Dinamika jadi mamak anak 2” kalo kata orang-orang. Ditambah mesti nyesuaiin diri lagi buat bangun tengah malem nyusuin, mantap.. lelahnya.. 🙂

Di cuti melahirkan yang ke-2 inilah gw merasakan bahwa cuti melahirkan sangat melelahkan. Dulu abis lahiran yang pertama, hidup gw sungguh peaceful karena gw bisa istirahat pas bayi bobo. Nah ini? Pas bayi bobo, gw mesti ganti ngurusin kakaknya yang meski dijagain neneknya, selalu nyariin mamak.. :’) Dan ternyata oh ternyata.. 3 bulan itu sungguhlah waktu yang pas buat semua orang adaptasi dengan kehadiran bayi #2: gw, suami, dan si kakak.

Sekarang bayi #2 udah masuk 3.5 bulan, tandanya gw udah lulus probation. Gw yang awalnya pasti panik dan stress sendiri kalo ditinggal sendirian sama 2 bocah, dan ga kebayang kerja sambil ngangon 2 bocah, akhirnya berhasil juga ngejalaninnya (gw udah balik ngantor btw, meski masih hybrid jadi masih banyak WFH), meski tiap pagi berasa kaya main amazing race (malem I can handle confidently now, setelah awal-awal pengen nangis karena bayi #1 dan #2 rebutan mamak tiap mau bobo malem).

Bener-bener berasa kaya mimpi sih. Dan ga berasa bentar lagi bayi #2 mulai MPASI. Makin jungkir balik lah mamak.. pengennya sih sempetin masak sendiri, tapi we’ll see realistis atau nggak. Kalo nggak ya kita pake jalan ninja aja (catering MPASI maksudnya). 😀

my 2nd pregnancy diary: blighted ovum

OK, as an introvert, I promised myself I won’t post this before either I give birth to my 2nd child or am really ready with possible response I might receive from anyone reading the post. No, it’s not that I’m in too much sadness. I really am OK. I just don’t like to disclose this kind of private thing with others.

We found out we were pregnant again when our firstborn (let’s call him ‘baby A’) was 13 months old, still very small and haven’t seen the outside world that much due to the pandemic. To be honest, I wasn’t that happy to be pregnant (my husband was); instead, I thought about soooo many things in my head, especially these: how am I going to take care of baby A later when my belly is growing bigger, will we be able to sleep comfortably with the ever-shrinking (feeling) bed, is baby A going to be OK that I will have to wean him earlier???

In short, I finally accepted everything, including the fact that we must postpone our plan to move to a house (a landed one, not this kind of ‘shoebox’ apartment) because it’s believed to be bad luck to move when you’re pregnant. Apparently (this comes from me who is not a preacher of any kind) God loves me more that on the 10th week, in the morning after I dropped off baby A at his grandmother’s place (daycare 😀 ), I found spots in my panties. It was Thursday, the day my obstetrician is scheduled to practice in the nearby hospital, so I quickly made a phone call to him. He asked me to get to the hospital for him to check, and there we were in front of his room, waiting until I was called in. “It seems like the fetus is not developing well,” he said while looking at the USG monitor in front of him. “I would give you vitamin penguat kandungan (I’m not from medical background and Google translate doesn’t work well for this) even at the slightest sign of fetal heartbeat, but it’s not there.. so I would prescribe you with abortion medicine instead. After you have this, you will feel small contraction like when you’re in your period, but a bit stronger and with more blood coming out.”

Everything was normal, I didn’t really feel anything different than when I’m having my period. So on Saturday, I went to my parents’ house as usual. In the afternoon, suddenly I felt a quite strong contraction (I defined it as ‘5-6th opening contraction’) that my face started to look so tense. I can still talk and smile, but needed to spare some strength to hold the pain. I laid down in my sister’s ex-bedroom, then very quickly the pain got tense and lots of blood leaked out that I almost ran to the bathroom to clean up the mess. I ducked in the shower to ease the pain, then a rubber balloon-like substance slipped out from down there, covered in blood, and I felt relieved.. the pain went down from a 6/10 to the normal 2/10 until the day I wrote this.

In case you’re wondering, this phenomenon happening to me was blighted ovum (you can Google it yourself); 1 in 8 women has experienced this ’empty pregnancy’. I read about it a lot before because some friends had this, so I wasn’t so surprised when it happened to me. Oh, and I’m more relieved than not that I wasn’t really pregnant this time. We have always been planning on having 1 more kid, but the timing is faster than expected, so I guess I wasn’t that well-prepared. In the past few days before the spotting, I’d been consumed with my own fear of labour. I know that I want to have another normal delivery for my 2nd child, but it felt too soon after my 1st one.

I’m not saying it’s OK to have blighted ovum – it will upset me so much if I had it during my first pregnancy, but I would say I’m just fortunate enough to experience it for my second one which I had always doubted since the start. Oh, and even though there’s really nothing there, but the woman’s body thinks she’s pregnant, so still the womb (and belly) size is increasing. One week after the so-called ‘abortion’, I went to see my obstetrician for another USG check up (all clean, thank God, otherwise I would have to undergo curettation). Just like after you give birth, you will need to wait until the bleeding stops and your uterus size is back to normal before you are allowed to have intercourse. Plus, we had to wait for another 3 months before we can get pregnant again.

P.S.: Even though I didn’t expect this ‘pregnancy’ and somehow had a feeling that there was not a baby in there, I still cried the night after the ‘abortion’. Thankfully it happened on a Saturday, so I didn’t have to go anywhere the morning after (with the after-crying eyes).

P.S.2: I gained significant weight during this ‘pregnancy’ and never lost it until my pregnancy with my 2nd child (which only happened almost 1 year later, during which all my pants were no longer fit). 😛

letter to my girl (My 3rd Pregnancy, 2nd Baby Diary)

Dear Girl,
(haven’t picked a name for you yet)

Your daddy, big bro, and I finally moved to a house after almost 1 year of waiting (the renovation to complete) and all the drama behind it. The happiest person was me, obviously, feeling suffocated living in an apartment. I had always prayed for a second baby since we decided on the moving date, considering my age and the fact that I was still working from home (WFH). Never did I expect you to arrive so fast, less than 1 month after we moved in. After taking the test pack, I felt happy, sad and worried at the same time, but the sad feeling was almost gone when I saw your daddy’s almost-same excitement upon finding your big bro’s presence. I was a bit worried that you won’t be there, just like my 2nd pregnancy with blighted ovum last year.. so I kinda postponed going to see the doctor until you were 6 weeks old (we found out when you were 5 weeks old).

Thankfully, during our 2nd visit to the doctor in your 10th week, the heartbeat was so strong that the doctor was positive that this time, it’s for real.. This time, having your big brother in his most active age and still adjusting to our new house, I didn’t really count the days as they went by like when I was pregnant with your big bro. Still in WFH mode, once again I successfully concealed the fact that I was pregnant until the end of the first trimester, even though there was this one time during your 12th week when we (my colleagues and I) had this small gathering and some people asked me (yeah, it’s so hard to hide since the baby bump started showing in the 8th week.. and in 12th week, I already looked like I was 4 months pregnant).

With this pregnancy, I didn’t puke at all during the first trimester, and no morning sickness as well. The most annoying thing is the fact that I got really sensitive and cried a lot for the smallest things. I didn’t feel hungry all the time, but this time I craved more for savory (and unhealthy) food. Oh, and don’t forget the fact that I felt hungry mostly at night after your big bro was asleep.. that was how I ended up gaining 10 kg in less than 3 months (I only gained a total of 14 kg during my first pregnancy). The doctor finally spoke up and asked me to control my cravings.. telling me that I might not be able to have normal labor if the weight gain was still so much, so that’s how I started controlling my diet.. eating less rice and midnight snacks that I managed to maintain my weight until the end of the 7th month.

Every night before I slept, I would’ve stared at your big bro’s innocent face and sometimes shed tears, remembering the fact that he was still so small, yet going to be a big brother soon. That was how your daddy and I decided to take him to an intimate 3D2N staycation in Puncak, for us 3 to have our last quality time before you were born. I got tired so easily during this pregnancy that we didn’t dare to take him somewhere further.

I’m still the same person I was.. being precautious and so on, that I decided to also do the 3D USG with you (even though the doctor asked whether I want to do it because I need to or want to). Apparently, you were bigger in size than the average, but unlike your brother, you didn’t want to show your face to daddy and me. Seems like you want to surprise us.. and we can’t wait to see the surprise. 😀

You are now in week 39 as I’m writing this, and I’ve gotten so easily tired and felt like it’s so hard to move around with the big belly (while having to take care of your brother). I don’t want to rush you but I can’t wait to see you. 🙂

Thanks for coming to our life.. you really are a gift from God. I just wish that we could teach you and your big brother to be good, tough, independent, and love each other since you will only have each other when your daddy and I are gone..

Your mommy (who cried a lot writing this post)

P.S.: Apparently you really like sleeping in my belly that I had to be induced at 40.5 weeks before you finally decided to come out. Thankfully, the labor process itself was pretty smooth and I could walk myself right after you were born (I didn’t dare to walk for hours after your big bro was born).