about current event

Bad things happen, that’s for sure, otherwise how do we identify the good things?

Bad things happened to me and it hit me real hard right in the heart. I don’t want to elaborate now because it’s just too hurtful to remember and share things. I just want to say sorry for all the readers that I might be missing (again) for a few weeks or so while I’m recovering from the pain. It’s quite deep and bloody but I’m sure I’ll get through this like I always do. 🙂

As always, there are lessons learned from this current event:

1. As the other person always said to me: you can never expect someone to treat you the way you’ve treated him.

2. (Still) timing is everything.

3. Certain people would just be impatient and decide things on their own when left alone.

4. God should always be the center of all things happening in life. He’s the One who forbids and allows things from happening.

5. What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.

I’m sure God has a better plan for me. My heart wants something good, but He’s always giving me the best.

Thank you, sorry and goodbye..

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